- Phone: (971) 43931346
- Email: [email protected]
Bur Dubai, Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Our Finance Facilitation Division offer multiple services for your Working Capital Facility limits include Letter of Credit(L/C) Trust Receipt(T/R), Local & International Bill Discounting facility, Guarantees, Equity Finance, Project Finance, Cash Loan, Asset finance, , property finance ,CAPEX finance as per your current and future finance requirements mainly in UAE. we are successfully arranging finance for our reputed and regular clients, many of whom are Trading, Manufacturing, Service Companies, Groups and Business Houses.
Our professional Team under Audit Division engaged in Statutory Audit, Internal Audit, management Audit, and other various accounting services. The Audit methodology would be carried out by you and as standards require that you plan, perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free of material misstatements.
The audit would include examining on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosure in the financial statements. Your audit will also includes assessing the accounting principles used significant estimates made by the management as well as evaluating the overall financial statements presentation.
Our experienced and highly dedicated team managed COMPANY FORMATION DIVISION. Our Services include Setting up companies in the UAE(including all free zones), Limited Liability companies(LLC), Industrial License Establishments, Formation of offshore companies, Branch or representative office of foreign companies, Liquidation of all types of companies-main land and free zones.
The various stages of the feasibility study is given below
Table includes: KEY DEMAND DRIVERS, KEY PRIORITIES & SUCCESS FACTORS ,. RISK ASSESSMENT SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) Analysis
“We would be the best financial advisor for all type of business by using our technical and analytical skills.”